About Pat’s Kitchen


This is a book devoted to Pat – Pat Morley. A collection of recipes, art, and memories. It is an homage to one greatly loved and missed, and to her love of cooking & creative spirit.

Pat was a magnanimous force and spirit amongst us. One of her passions was cooking and collecting recipes, another was her talent and skill as a graphic artist. After Pat's sudden death in 2010, Lewis (Pat’s son) found several bundles of her recipe cards and notes, all in her distinct hand and often with wonderful drawings illustrating a corner or such – often witty with her humour shining through.

Those that knew her will have her instantly in their minds eye and remember her caring and welcoming ways at the Morley’s Leichhardt home, offering a cup of freshly brewed tea or coffee with one of her many offerings of cake or biscuits made that day. 

Pat was the beloved wife of Lewis (Frederick) Morley (the photographer – known to his family and friends as Fred) and mother of Lewis (Patrick) Morley (model maker extraordinaire), best friend to my mother Babette Hayes, friend and inspirer to many, sharer of recipes (carefully maintained and held dear by many friends) and my god mother.

While looking through the recipes with Fred and Lewis, I suggested we should do a book for Pat! Then and there we started talking about which biscuits, cakes and dishes should be in it. That was in 2012 I think. Fred passed away in 2013, missing his beloved wife and unfortunately would not see the project of Pat’s cookbook published.

At the beginning of 2015 we started on the book in earnest – selecting the recipes, writing them up, testing them, looking at the design of the book, asking friends and family for contributions (memoirs and artworks) and photographing a selection of the recipes. In May of that year my niece Hanna (a graphic designer who was on board with us skillfully and wonderfully designing the book) moved to Amsterdam and was away for two years and Babette and I bought a café in Bowral, The Hospital Shop Café taking it over in September and boy has it kept us occupied (open seven days a week!). And here we are, after a six-year interval and an electric shock prod from Lewis – which I am grateful for, as I am so excited about producing this little book and being surrounded with lovely memories of Pat – ready to publish!

This is where we need all your wonderful help to get it published. We are asking friends and family to purchase a copy (or copies) of the book in advance to help fund the printing of the book. And if you think of any friends or family that you know who might enjoy the book – please spread the word!

The book will be in hard back, has 148 pages plus end pages, 6 chapters with a total of 36 recipes, an introduction by Babette Hayes (21 Pages) which includes a selection of Pat’s artwork throughout her life. Scattered through the book are memoirs by Babette, Elizabeth Butel, Stephanie Gotlieb (nee Hayes), Nick Stathopoulos, Lewis P. Morley, Marilyn Pride, Margaret Fulton, Henrietta Taylor (nee Cain), Tom Thompson and myself; artworks and photographs by Pat Morley, Jackie Ranken, Nick Stathopoulos, Guy Hayes, Lewis Fred Morley, Oliver Hayes, Marilyn Pride, Tom Thomspon, Arabella Hayes and Lewis P. Morley; with food photography by Rodney Weidland.

The book costs $38 + Postage

(Pick up option from The Hospital Shop cafe, Bowral available)

Many people have contributed to this little cookbook, and it is from a place of friendship, our love of Pat and a wish to share her spirit and love of cooking.

Thank you for your support and I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,



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